Facilities & Weather Forecast

Marina Image


Marina in New Zealand

The costs of developing the marina, car parks and the launching ramps were all met by the berth holders. Bucklands Beach Yacht Club members do have access to the loading, the work berths and short and long term rentals of marina berths. The Marina comprises three piers and a floating breakwater

BBYC MARINA Facilities

-36.88016 N, 174.89841 E

BBYC MARINA Information



Approaches & Channel Marking


Dock Type


Depth at MLW

< 2m

Current/Tidal Flow


Port of Entry


09 534 3046

BBYC MARINA Weather Forecast

1PM - 5PM
11 March 2025
  • rain icon
5PM - 9PM
11 March 2025
  • wind icon
    SW 10–13 knots. Gusts up to 18 knots.
  • temp icon
  • wave icon
    SW 0.4m at 2s period
  • sun icon
    UV Index: 0 - Low
  • rain icon
9PM - 5AM
11 March 2025
  • wind icon
    SW 8–12 knots. Gusts up to 17 knots.
  • temp icon
  • wave icon
    Calm sea
  • sun icon
    UV Index: 0 - Low
  • rain icon
    Mostly fine
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Explore other Marinas in Auckland

Silo Park Marina

Marina in Auckland
The premier home of super yachts in the south Pacific. Ten berths are available at Silo Marina, suitable for boats of up to 116m in length. All pontoons are fully gated with keypad security and 24 h Vessels arriving in New Zealand must meet strict biosecurity requirements to prevent the introduction of pests and diseases to our country. Most recreational vessels will need a full biosecurity clearance, which involves an inspection of the vessel by a Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) officer. A full clearance allows you to sail freely in New Zealand waters and remain in the country for an extended time (more than 20 days). Your first place of arrival in New Zealand must be a port or marina that has been approved to receive yachts and other recreational vessels from overseas. These are called 'places of first arrival' (POFAs). Westhaven, Viaduct and Silo marinas are the only Auckland marinas that can offer customs clearance for pre-arranged vessels. Westhaven Marina offers customs clearance for vessels up to 24 metres in length. Viaduct and Silo marinas can offer customs clearance for vessels over 24 metres. To clear with customs and MPI at our marinas, you will first need to book a berth with the marina you wish to clear through, and then make a booking in advance with customs and MPI directly. Charges for these services apply. For more information about the process and how to notify customs and MPI of your arrival, please visit the MPI website at or contact the marina office.
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Viaduct Harbour Marina

Marina in Auckland
Viaduct Harbour Marina is situated in the heart of Auckland's inner-city waterfront precinct, providing a home for up to 70 berths of varying lengths, from 15 to 60 meters. The depths of our berths range between 2 to 4 meters at chart datum. However, berths are subject to availability and confirmation by our marina team. Our friendly team of ambassadors is always available to assist you during your stay at the marina. The closest adjacent streets to the marina are Viaduct Harbour Avenue and Customs Street West. Safety is a top priority at Viaduct Harbour Marina, and it is our responsibility to ensure the wellbeing of our community and environment. Therefore, we have established rules and requirements to maintain this. Before entering the marina, you must provide evidence of hull insurance (including salvage), a liability insurance certificate for $10M, and an Electrical Warrant of Fitness (EWoF). All vessels must provide proof of insurance before entering the marina. If you require electricity, one of our Viaduct Harbour ambassadors will need to sight and photograph your EWoF. Please note that we do not provide lines or fenders. To learn more about inter-regional and regional marine biosecurity rules and marina requirements, please visit Viaduct Harbour Marina's location is at -36.842510, 174.763390, in the heart of Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland. If you require any assistance, please feel free to contact us via email at or by phone at +64 21 667 720.
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