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Queenscliff Marina

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Queenscliff Marina

Marina in Australia

Each berth has its own power, water and cleating system and the marina sides are protected by a fender strip ensuring your boat won’t come into contact with timbers or piling. We understand that large powerboats and yachts have larger power requirements so three phase power outlets have been fitted to our largest berths.

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-38.26455 N, 144.66936 E
5AM - 9AM
20 September 2024
  • wind icon
    W 14 knots increasing to 17 knots. Gusts up to 24 knots.
  • temp icon
  • wave icon
    SW 0.7m at 14s period
  • sun icon
    UV Index: 0 - Low
  • rain icon
9AM - 1PM
20 September 2024
  • wind icon
    W 16–21 knots. Gusts up to 25 knots.
  • temp icon
  • wave icon
    SW 0.7m at 14s period
  • sun icon
    UV Index: 3 - Moderate
  • rain icon
1PM - 5PM
20 September 2024
  • wind icon
    W 16–24 knots. Gusts up to 30 knots.
  • temp icon
  • wave icon
    SW 0.7m at 15s period
  • sun icon
    UV Index: 1 - Low
  • rain icon
    Chance of showers
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